1st—Shield of faith, 2nd—Bless weapon, 3rd—Searing light, 4th—Holy smite, 5th—Righteous might, 6th—Undeath to death, 7th—Holy sword, 8th—Holy aura, 9th—Gate.
⋆✩Cantrip✩⋆ | Detect Fiendish Presence | This spell functions like detect evil, except that it detects only outsiders with the evil subtype, as well as the lingering effects caused by their gifts, presence, and spells. It can also detect clerics and paladins of fiendish deities, including Asmodeus, archdevils, daemonic harbingers, and demon lords. |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. | |
Level-1 | ||
Comprehend Languages | You understand all spoken and written languages. | |
Detect Charm | As detect magic, except you immediately detect the strength and location of each charm, compulsion, and possession aura on all creatures in the area. | |
Detect Metal | You detect any metal objects or creatures within a 60-foot cone. | |
Detect Secret Doors | Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. | |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. | |
Discern Next of Kin | Read the target’s mind to learn about its family. | |
Heightened Awareness | Your recall and ability to process information improve. | |
True Strike | +20 on your next attack roll. | |
Level-2 | ||
Carrion Compass | You are lead to an undead creature’s most recent controller or the cause of the creature’s undeath. | |
Detect Thoughts | Allows “listening” to surface thoughts. | |
Locate Object | Senses direction toward object (specific or type). | |
See Invisibility | Reveals invisible creatures or objects. | |
Share Memory | Share one memory with the target. | |
Trapfinders Focus | If you don’t have the trapfinding class ability, this spell grants you the trapfinding ability of a rogue of half your character level. | |
Level-3 | ||
Arcane Sight | Magical auras become visible to you. Better than detect magic. | |
Aura Sight | Alignment auras become visible to you. Religion check to detect item's aura. | |
Blood Biography | Learn about a creature with its blood. | |
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. | |
Detect Anxieties | Learn what makes creatures anxious. Reveals the most pressing current anxiety of any mind in the area. | |
Detect Desires | Learn what creatures desire. | |
Detect Mindscape | Sense the presence and attributes of mindscapes. | |
Find Fault | You instantly learn many of the target’s weaknesses, Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 20 + your caster level. | |
Insect Scouts | This spell summons one or more vermin to investigate a single location or building you can see. The scouts spend 1d6 hours investigating the target location, with no oversight. |
Pack Empathy | Create an empathic bond with allies. | |
Perfect Placement | Affected creatures gain tactical knowledge and maximize their efficiency on the field of battle. | |
Pierce Disguise | See through low-level magical disguises. | |
Seek Thoughts | Detects thinking creatures’ thoughts within 40ft,1min/lvl. | |
Tongues | Speak and understand any language. | |
Voluminous Vocabulary | Grant ability to speak, read, and write one or more languages for 8 hours. | |
Level-4 | ||
Akashic Communion | M/DF | Attempt to gain a glimpse of some specific event from the Akashic Record. |
Arcane Eye | Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. | |
Detect Scrying | Alerts you to magical eavesdropping. | |
Hypercognition | Rapidly recall everything on Intelligence, Linguistics or Knowledge checks. insight bonus on the check equal to your caster level (maximum bonus +10). | |
Insect Spies | Use magic beetles as spies. | |
Locate Creature | Indicates direction to familiar creature. | |
Named Bullet | Imbues ammunition with accuracy against a specific creature type. | |
Tongues, Communal | As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. | |
Vicarious View | Plant a scrying sensor that you can use to spy on a creature, object, or location. | |
Level-5 | ||
Foretell Failure | ** You cast this spell immediately before taking an action that requires a d20 roll, granting you an ability to change your action if it would fail on a roll of 9 or less on the roll. ** |
Glimpse of Truth | Gain true seeing for 1 round. | |
Locate Gate | Find a nearby magical portal. | |
Mind Probe | Learn answers from a subject’s memories. | |
Prying Eyes | 1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you. | |
Symbol of Scrying | M | Triggered rune activates scrying sensor. |
Telepathic Bond | Link lets allies communicate. | |
Thoughtsense | Automatically detect nearby conscious creatures. | |
Trace Teleport | Determine where and when teleportation occurred, and glimpse the origin or destination. | |
Level-6 | ||
Dream Scan | Read a dreaming creature’s thoughts. | |
Named Bullet, Greater | As **named bullet, but deals 2 points of damage for every caster level**. | |
Telepathy | Communicate mentally with creatures within 100 ft. | |
True Seeing | M | Lets you see all things as they really are. |
Level-7 | ||
Arcane Sight, Greater | As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects. | |
Insect Spies, Greater | Use magic beetles as spies and also share their senses. | |
Retrocognition | Gain psychic impressions from past events in current location. Level 13th–15th 1 week per minute | |
Scrying, Greater | As scrying, but faster and longer. | |
Vision | M | As legend lore, but quicker. |
Level-8 | ||
Discern Location | Reveals exact location of creature or object. | |
Moment of Prescience | **You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.** | |
Prediction of Failure | **Target is permanently shaken and sickened, and may gain a random spellblight.** | |
Prying Eyes, Greater | As prying eyes, with Perception modifier is +25 instead of +15, but eyes have true seeing. | |
Level-9 | ||
Foresight | “Sixth sense” You are never surprised or flat-footed. Gives you a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves |